Friday, 1 April 2011

Todays Workout

WOD= Workout of the Day

WOD 1. 21-15-9 reps of: Pullups, Ring Pushups, Abmat Situps

My time: 7:06 
I think that was a good time for me. I was able to stay up on the bar for all of my pullups! thats a big accomplishment for me I'm 6'4" 230lbs. Where I had trouble was the ring pushups (they were ruthless) the first 21 absolutely killed me and the remaining ones came 3 at a time. My ring pushups and pushups in general need work

20 minutes later

WOD 2. 6 rounds of: 5 Bar Muscleups, 15 Kettle Bell Swings 40kg bell

My Time: 12:00
I would like to point out that I scaled the workout, I need a blue band to assist with the bar muscle-up.
my transition between exercises was slow and I ripped my hands open in 3 spots from the bar on the last muscle up of round 4.