Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Out in Victoria

Over the next few weeks I am going to explore the Greater Victoria area for the best Outdoor places to workout. Hopefully  I will come to an outdoor location that is convienient for you and you can check it out. I will post pictures of the location and let you know what is good about it. 

If you know of a really cool outdoor location let me know and I will check it out.

Todays WOD took place at Beacon hill park. It was a beautiful sunny day in Victoria for once in the last 5 days. I'm fairly new to Victoria and I've never been there before so it took me a while to find somewhere to sling up my rings. I'll let the pictures talk for themselves

WOD 15min AMRAP of
5 ring dips
30 revolutions of skipping
30 seconds plank

My score 12 rounds