There's nothing quite like achieving something you have been working towards.
I remember how long it took me before I did my first muscle up. I had been trying for about a week then decided I was not strong enough to pull my body up. I spent the next few weeks strengthening my arms and back but still couldn't do it. There was still some serious technique that needed to be taught to me before I would make it. On the first day of the Crossfit level one cert I asked a fellow Crossfitter who looked to be in way better shape than I to kindly show me and teach me how to do it. but after trying 10 times I felt like it just wasn't happening at 245lbs. The class got called back in and I thought "you idiot Gord you've never quit at anything in your life." so I grabbed the rings whipped my heavy ass up and pressed up to the heavens. A glorious beam of light shone on me and a short chorus of Hallelujah was sung by voices of angels. John one of the coaches snaps at me "Gord! get off the rings, we cant have people getting hurt" I sulk a bit. John whispers "props on the first muscle up bro" fist pound. I had a smile on me like you wouldn't believe.
My Client Brianna hit her first snatch on Monday she ended up doing 55lb snatch. Awesome job Brianna!
Let me know about your firsts! post in the comments. Keep it clean;)